Hoya Curtisii, wax Flower, Porcelain Flower
Hoya Curtisii, wax Flower, Porcelain Flower
We love the Hoya Curtisii! It really brings the rainforest to your living spaces. Hoya Curtisii . also known as Wax Flower or Porcelain Flower is a compact trailing Hoya - a succulent - which has pretty green . spade shaped leaves with silver blue variegation. Hoya Curtisii are native to the Philippines . Thailand . and Malaysia . tropical rainforest environments.
Here at Happy Houseplants we love bringing you unusual and rare indoor plants that will add style and interest to your living spaces.
Although the Hoya Curtisii is tolerant of low humidity in the home . they will do better in a humid environment. Like many other hanging houseplants . this Hoya Curtisii would like a steamy bathroom or warm kitchen - the closest thing in a house to its native tropical home!
Being quite small . this Wax Flower will be happy sitting on a shelf or placed into a hanging pot. It would make a good house plant gift for someone - a really unusual and exciting present for someone special.
Hoya Curtisii can be slow to grow at first but with time will be tumbling out of your pot giving a cascade of green and silver variegated leaves.
If you're lucky you may even have flowers - yellowish white with a pink centre varying in colour right up to some reds - these can appear once or twice per year. The flowers have a beautiful heady scent. We can't promise that you will get flowers on your Hoya Curtisii . but with good care you might!
Put your Hoya into a hanging pot or any type of pot - looks great as a trailing plant indoors in a hanging basket to bring the rainforest to your shower room! No matter if it's ice or drizzle outside . you can have the rainforest experience in your bathroom with a Hoya!
If you do decide to buy this houseplant as a gift . we can include a free . handwritten card with your plant. Just add your gift message at the basket stage of checkout and we'll take care of it for you! No paperwork will be enclosed to keep your purchase details secret!
Hoya Curtisii Care guide
This is quite an easy care plant . suitable for beginners.
Where should this Wax Flower go?
This plant likes bright . indirect light . a few hours of morning sun. Place on an East or West window in a humid room.
How much should I water the Hoya Curtisii?
The Hoya likes to dry out between watering so do not overwater . rather let it dry out and then soak it through with water . then let it dry out again - think heavy showers in the rainforest! This plant also likes regular misting.
Does the Hoya Curtisii require feeding?
Give it a feed every two weeks or so in Spring and Summer. We sell our own vegan . organic plant food.
Is it suitable if I have pets?
This plant is toxic to pets.
What size is this plant?
W14cm x H35cm.